Office Update

I hope you and your family are keeping well during these uncertain times. I am writing to you to touch base regarding recent financial market and economic developments amidst the ongoing Covid-19 outbreak.

Global Markets continue to brush aside several conflicting developments, as they stage a bumpy recovery from the lows we saw in March. While many investors may claim the recent rise is remarkable, it is for this reason exactly that our advice to you has been stick to the long-term plan. Months ago, had we imagined a global pandemic, a gradual re-opening of economies after an extended shutdown and protests throughout the globe, you would have been hard pressed to find someone predicting that markets would continue to recover through it. Yet here we are.

As recent market swings have demonstrated, its impossible to time short term movements to avoid losses and capture gains. Your portfolio was built as a long-term plan. Attempts to capitalize on events such as these with short-term planning can lead you to missing out on the consistent long-term growth that forms the basis of successful financial plans.

I know that it can be difficult to avoid the daily chatter surrounding the markets hourly reaction to events, which is why we are reaching out to you to reiterate our belief. By adhering to the plan, we have the luxury of being able to observe surprises in either direction in the context of longer-term strategy; and regardless of where markets go from here, such a perspective is valuable.

While the major news stories making headlines today can be unsettling, the world will emerge from this event. And those stories are likely to serve as footnotes to a portfolio that has demonstrated its strength over the long run.

We look forward to welcoming you all back to the office over the coming months while respecting government protocols to ensure the safety of all. If your situation or objectives have changed, please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss.  

As always, we are here to be of service and answer any questions you may have.


Allison Stone

In Partnership with Don Stone